Prevention Education
Ozaukee Family Services offers presentations to schools and community organizations to promote healthy lifestyles and empower children and youth with techniques to keep themselves safe and healthy.
​Protective Behaviors
Helps children learn and practice skills they need to stay safe with strangers and people they know, including how to say no to inappropriate touches or behaviors and who they can tell.
Eating Disorders
Provides a comprehensive look at eating disorders in boys and girls including anorexia nervosa, bulimia and binge eating disorders, promoting positive body images and healthy lifestyles, getting help and providing support.
Internet Safety
Provides information on the rapidly changing digital world, the latest apps and technology, and strategies for parents and youth to help ensure online safety.
Educates students on the prevalence and impact of cyberbullying. Promotes healthy communication skills online and in person and also skills for addressing and preventing cyberbullying.
While each of these areas is complex, studies show there is a window of opportunity where education can make a difference. To schedule a presentation or learn more about these services, please contact the Prevention Education Coordinator at 262-376-7774 or click below.